arrangeMY collaborates with University College Birmingham


In response to client environmental concerns, and their own sustainable objectives arrangeMY are proud to be collaborating with University College Birmingham to launch market leading research on sustainable business travel practices. The sustainability project has taken 6 months to complete and has been supported and mentored by arrangeMY’s team, and University College Birmingham tutors, plus industry procurement consultants.

The collaborative journey had the objective of reviewing, enhancing and promoting arrangeMY’s practices as an enabler of sustainable business travel.

It is essential for arrangeMY to respond to the market’s appetite for sustainable business travel. Consequently, arrangeMY is taking into consideration these changes within the travel and hospitality sector to improve its own personal commitment to the environment.

arrangeMY are enriching their understanding of sustainable practices and rethinking their strategy to provide more transparency to their clients and travellers. This project gives business travellers an understanding of the tangible impact their choices will have on the environment, and empowers them to make environmentally conscious travel decisions.

Quote from Michelle Callanan “UCB has a long and successful history working with the industry on various projects. Indeed, this sustainability collaboration with arrangeMY has corresponded with UCB’s own sustainability journey, centred on the 3 Cs – Sustainable Campus, Curriculum and Community” ( 

We thank arrangeMY for providing such a great opportunity for 3 UCB postgraduate students (across aviation, tourism and hospitality) to work directly with them on such a pivotal project. Our students contributed their research, critical thinking and evaluative skills, along with their international lens (as our students come from different countries), recommending various outputs that the travel industry (and their partners) could implement as they grapple with the complexities of sustainable goals.

Quote from arrangeMY’s Nick Scott “We are thrilled to have been able to work with fresh talent from all corners of the world. The project has allowed us to explore exciting ideas with momentum and a desire to research and interrogate data allowing arrangeMY to consider new sustainable initiatives for our clients. Everyone knows we need to help support our environment and I am super proud that not only are we helping support the environment but are also giving opportunities to the next generation of travel experts.”