See how your competitors are performing in 2024 (Posted 14.02)

Want to see how your competitors are performing in 2024?
January is over, and I’m sure you’re well into your stride for 2024. How’s it going so far? 

Our monthly M&E analysis webinar next week will provide you with a market update, so we hope you can join us for that. 

If you’d like to take a deeper look at the market and, more specifically, your competitors’ performance, how about booking some time with me? 

I’ll gladly show you how your competitors are performing, and that might be the kicker to joining Venue Performance and having access to over 20 M&E benchmarking reports….24/7. 

No more guesswork, just good, hard facts that will make your decision-making sharper and provide you, your peers and your business with the evidence and the confidence to make those tricky decisions.

It will be refreshing to make decisions based on fact rather than someone else’s opinion. 

P.S. I resisted the urge to include a cringey Valentine’s message 😉
Smarter pricing decisions V2
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Want to see what’s happening in the world of M&E?

Watch the numbers and listen to the panelists.

Next session: 23rd Feb – 12pm
